Tuesday, September 15, 2009


yep, once again I am asking for your help!
Last night, after the fitness hour was over, they mentioned that if we wanted to get a tee shirt for participating in the fitness program, to meet afterwards. We did, and we are needing a design for our shirts.
So, any of you "artistes" want a piece of fame (sorry, probably no fortune), help us design our shirts! The catch is (and you knew this was coming, right?!) is that I need it by THIS Thursday, Sept. 17th. We'd like for it to have "Fitness for the Cure" and "Making History" somewhere in it.
so come on, all you creative thinkers--whip up something fabulous for your fellow racers!
And before I paste & copy the 2nd plea for help, I will have to report that Miss Betty and I both sat on the sidelines alot last night. I didn't have any energy to totally make it thru the whole program, but I did manage to pull my middle-aged body around the field about 4 or 5 times before I called it a night. Getting old is rough!
anyway, here is the call for help from Komen--if you'd like to help, email them at the email they have listed in the letter.
Thanks! Judi

Volunteers Needed and OFFline Deadline Posted: 14 Sep 2009 09:32 AM PDTSorry to be behind in updating you. It has been crazy!
First, I wanted to remind those of you with OFFline team members that the deadline to have your packets postmarked is Wednesday, September 16. Please include SIGNED entry forms for each of your team members, your reconciliation form, the money, your spreadsheet and anything else that pertains to your team. The spreadsheet is available online or you can email me to send it to you. Your completed spreadsheet should be emailed to ar.rftc.teams@gmail.com.
The Offline Team Processing consists of three parts which we loving refer to as Data Processing, War Room and Pick Pack and Ship. Data Processing makes sure that your spreadsheet reconciles to the amount of money received, etc. We then upload that information into an Access file and run labels and reports on your team which are sent to the War Room. The War Room puts the labels on Race Bibs, pulls Pasta Party tickets, counts out coupons, etc. to prepare your team. They bag everything up along with the Team Captain Gift and the reports. Pick Pack and Ship then gets the bag to pull t-shirts, survivor hats, etc. to pack them and prepare to ship if applicable. All of this to say that many people are involved in this process and we are looking for additional volunteers.
We will begin processing your packets in Data Processing at the end of this week. This area is taken care of and no volunteers are needed. However, the War Room will begin their processing next Monday, and Pick Pack and Ship should then begin on Wednesday. Our warehouse is in the Riverdale area near the soccer fields and USA Drug's corporate offices. We work Monday through Friday evenings and as needed and available all day Saturday and Sunday afternoon. It usually takes about 2 weeks to complete all processing.
If you or your group are interested in helping us out, please contact me at ar.rftc.teams3@gmail.com. We would love the help and it's always interesting for our Team Captains to see behind the scenes as to how we process your teams. And we have lots of fun!

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